Links and information about books, videos and other mediums related to New England history, Living History and Reenacting. |
Paul Revere's Ride
by David Hackett Fischer, History Professor at Brandeis University. No matter where you grew up you've probably learned of the midnight ride of Paul Revere. This is the real story of the events leading up to April 18+19, 1775. |
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PBS American Experience: Patriot
The Revolutionary War may be over, but one of its best-known battles is still being fought. More than two centuries after the Lexington militiamen rallied against His Majesty's regulars at what would become known as the Battle of Lexington and Concord, sixty-five redcoats and sixty-seven colonial patriots face off each April 19 to bring to life the beginning of the American Revolution. Many of the Members of the Stow Company are in about 15 seconds of the final footage! |
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Lexington and Concord: The Beginning of the War of
by Arthur Bernon Tourtellot. The book opens with: "The little group that Captain Parker mustered on Lexington Common before daybreak on April nineteenth, 1775, had some of the characteristics of a family reunion..." |
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The Brave Bostonians
An excellent account of the political events of the year preceding the American Revolution. This book focuses on three Boston residents: Thomas Hutchinson, Josiah Quincy, and Benjamin Franklin. In dealing with time spent by each in England, this book also presents a very good perspective on the British point of view during this time. |
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Revolutionary Soldier: 1775-1783 (Illustrated Livi
From the Back Cover : "Using 85 full-page plates of hand-lettered text and meticulously detailed drawings, C. Keith Wilbur has skillfully brought to life the day-to-day pleasures and privations enjoyed and endured by the Revolutionary fighting." |
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Tidings from the 18th Century
This book provides illustrated information on garments and crafts of the period, with particular regard to the reenactor. Written in the style of a series of letters from the period, it's both entertaining and informative. |
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Whatever Shall I Wear?
A Guide to Assembling a Woman's Basic 18th Century Wardrobe. This book is a good introduction when you are in need of advice or ideas. |
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Journals of the Continental Congress
The Journals of the Continental Congress are the records of the daily proceedings of the Congress as kept by the office of its secretary, Charles Thomson. |
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Ballindalloch Press
Books about Colonial America |
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