Fine proprietors of only the best 18th Century goods. |
Big Bear Trading Company
Fine purveyors of Colonial goods and wares. |
31754 |
Anita Bausk
Excellent local Seamstress for fine handmade Colonial clothing. Be it a uniform or civilian wear she can make it for you |
6534 |
Jas. Townsend and Son, Inc.
Extensive selection of items for your kit. Decent clothing made quickly; prices have gone up in recent years, but authenticity has improved. Check out their cooking blog! |
9457 |
Middlesex Village Trading Companie
Reproduction Muskets and other products at a very reasonable price. Pete and Wendy are always very helpful with any questions you might have. |
25961 |
Tory Tailor and Mercantile
Local Tailors in Wilmington MA. |
5560 |
SISU Studios
Tailor Tarra Bausk's facebook page |
16319 |
Cooperman Drums
Over 40 years as the best supplier of colonial Fifes & Drums. |
14249 |
Fugawee Corporation
Good source for period shoes and pewter buttons |
64510 |
G. Gedney Godwin
Extensive site including clothing, camp gear, shoes, muskets, shooting supplies, and medical equipment. You can even get an 18th century bridal gown! More expensive than Townsend and sometimes is a little slow. |
32206 |
Smoke & Fire Co.
An extensive selection of goods. |
18066 |
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